Commencement Information
Process for Graduation & Participation
Students do not need to apply for graduation because audits are completed when a student has earned half of the credits necessary to complete their chosen program. At the end of February, you will be notified via your Buccaneer email account regarding your eligibility for graduation and the necessary steps to take to issue your diploma. All students must complete this step whether or not you choose to participate in the May ceremony.
The deadline to participate in the Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony is May 2nd 2025.
Even if you missed the deadline to participate in the Commencement Ceremony, as long as you have fulfilled all the requirements for your degree, you will receive your degree in the mail following the end of your final term.
Students who have to complete more than two courses or have a grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 are not eligible for graduation and are not permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony.
Frequently Asked Questions
Atlantic Cape will hold its 58th Annual Commencement Ceremony on Thursday, May 22, 2025 10:30 a.m. in the Mays Landing Campus-Quad Area. Mays Landing campus is located at 5100 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing, NJ 08330.
Click here for directions to Atlantic Cape Mays Landing campus.
Commencement is approximately two hours from processional to recessional.
No, tickets are not required. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. Atlantic Cape Commencement Ceremony will also be live streamed on the College’s social media pages.
Yes, there is a designated area for accessible seating on the paved center walkway; additional seating in that area is designated for one attendant. We encourage guests to arrive early. There will be specific drop-off zones for guests who need accommodations.
On-campus parking is available and Public Safety Officers will direct traffic on the day of commencement. Carpooling is recommended due to possible traffic delays.
We suggest you park in the first available spot you find. Wear comfortable shoes as some lots are located on the opposite side of campus.
Parking Lot 3 has been designated as ADA accessible parking, these vehicles will be directed by Public Safety officers. Access to golf cart transportation to and from lot 3 will also be available to guests. Space is limited.
Atlantic Cape’s Commencement Ceremony is a rain or shine event. In case of extreme weather conditions, like high wind, thunder and lightning may impact the college’s ceremony.
A decision to delay (later time, same day) or cancel the ceremony will be made at 6:30 a.m. on the day of commencement and posted on our college website and social media pages. This information will also be sent out via Text Alerts.
If you have not signed up for Atlantic Cape’s text alert system you may sign-up at: https://www.atlanticcape.edu/student-life/security/text-alerts.php
Student Regalia & Honors Designation
Yes, Atlantic Cape approved regalia must be worn. Candidates for graduation who will be participating in commencement should pay careful attention to what Atlantic Cape deems appropriate and inappropriate commencement regalia. Please refer to the information below.
Required Regalia:
- Blue Gown
- Blue Cap
- Red Tassel
- Shoes
Red Stole: Honors, Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher, entered prior to Sept. 1994 or 3.5 or higher entered Sept. 1994 or later.
Gold Stole: Membership in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
White cord: Early College Program Graduates
Inappropriate and unauthorized adornments:
- Any cord or stole other than those mentioned above
- Any medallion
- Any adornment that is not specific to the current commencement ceremony
Candidates who wish to show their creativity or excitement for graduating may decorate the top of their caps; this is the only ornamentation that is permitted.
- In-person at Follet Bookstore beginning Monday, March 3rd, 2025 (Mays Landing Campus).
Online: https://www.bkstr.com/atlanticcapeccstore/shop/graduation
- Graduation Fair -Thursday, May 1st, 2025
- Cap & gown vendor will be on-site to help with orders, sizing and answer questions.
If you are borrowing a cap and gown for this years’ ceremony, or purchased a cap & gown in a previous year, you MUST notify the Office of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management at commencement@atlanticcape.edu to ensure compliance with student regalia.
You MUST fall under one of the criteria below using your Fall 2024 Cumulative Grade Point Average to be eligible to wear an honor stole. Spring 2025 grades are not used.
You are eligible for honors if:
- You enrolled at Atlantic Cape before Fall 1994 and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above.
- You enrolled at Atlantic Cape during or after Fall 1994 and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above.
You may verify your cumulative grade point average (GPA) online by logging into Atlantic Cape Connect to access your Self Service account.
Faculty Regalia
To participate in the processional and sit on stage during the 2025 commencement ceremony, all faculty must wear academic regalia. To rent regalia, please order online through Follet Bookstore by Friday, April 25, 2025
No orders will be accepted after April 25, 2025. Pick up dates TBD at the Follet Bookstore on our Mays Landing Campus.
Rental information and instructions will be sent to faculty via email. Questions should be directed via email to the office of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management at commencement@atlanticcape.edu
Bluewire Media, our professional photographer, will capture moments in the ceremony and as graduates cross the stage. These pictures will be shared post ceremony on the college’s website.
In addition to professional photography, stop at many of the campus locations, like S-Building lobby, B-building lobby, and our campus grounds to capture a family photo or selfie.
Board of Trustee Representative
One member of the graduating class is eligible to serve a one-year membership on the college’s Board of Trustees. This student will share the student's perspective as policies and decisions are made to guide the college. The elected student will be seated in July 2025 and will serve until the following June 2026. The representative must be available to attend monthly Board meetings in person if scheduled in that format.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the application and return it to the Enrollment Services Office or email to amilliga@atlanticcape.edu by March 28th, 2025.
Accessible Accommodations
Please review the information below and make the necessary arrangements to ensure a safe and memorable Commencement Day.
Designated ADA accessible seating is available and located near the paved center walkway. This area will accommodate an individual for ADA seating, plus one guest. No special ticket is required. We encourage guests to arrive early.
Parking Lot 3 has been designated as ADA accessible parking, these vehicles will be directed by Public Safety officers. Access to golf cart transportation to and from lot 3 will also be available to guests. Space is limited.
Commencement Ceremony will be ASL interpreted.
If a sign language interpreter is needed for college ceremony please contact the Center for Accessibility at (609) 343-5680 or email at cfa@atlantic.edu
Atlantic Cape does not provide wheelchairs for the Commencement ceremonies. If you need a wheelchair, please make your own arrangements prior to the ceremony.

If you have a request, please contact The Center for Accessibility.
Contact Us
Office of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
(609) 343-5083 or commencement@atlanticcape.edu
For information regarding your degree audit, diploma and transcript - please contact Enrollment Services- Office of the Registrar:
(609) 625-1111 ext. 5644 or register@atlanticcape.edu