Policy No. 27

Area: Board of Trustees

College Social Media Policy

Adopted: 5/22/2018
Revisions Approved: 10/22/19; 8/20/24

This Policy establishes the position of the Atlantic Cape Community College on the use of social media for the official business of the college, including the promotion of the college, departments and offices, programming, faculty, and staff of the college.

For the purpose of this policy, Social Media is defined as Internet or Mobile digital tools and systems used to share and/or receive information or conversation.

Unless specifically authorized by the Office of Marketing and College Relations, no Atlantic Cape employee may create an “official” Atlantic Cape presence on any form of Social Media, now in existence, or created in the future, or represent themselves as a spokesperson or authorized representative of Atlantic Cape Community College. All official college pre-existing social media pages for college departments, offices, and staff within the college that are public in nature must add the Office of Marketing and College Relations as a full administrator on those pages. All social media content presented as an official college post is the exclusive property of Atlantic Cape Community College.

Official Atlantic Cape Social Media allows members of the public to comment or react to posted content and information. Individuals, including employees of Atlantic Cape acting in their personal capacity, may post or comment anonymously or identifiably.

 The College generally invites discussion of important ideas and issues through Social Media. However, Atlantic Cape Community College reserves the right to remove posts or comments that are obscene, defamatory, offensive, contain threats of violence, abusive, spam or advertising, or unrelated to the content or information. Atlantic Cape Community College also reserves the right to remove posts or comments that violate applicable laws including, but not limited to, copyright and trademark, or those that violate the use policies promulgated by the applicable Social Media provider. The College reserves the right to permanently block any poster, college student, employee, or otherwise who has violated the above standards.

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