Planned Giving
Planned Giving Strategies
Making the decision to direct the future of your estate and ensure the execution of your wishes after your death can seem overwhelming. There are however, a number of strategies available to navigate this decision-making process in a successful way. Many planned giving instruments, such as bequests, cost donors nothing during their lifetime. Other planned giving vehicles, such as life insurance, allow donors to make a small investment during their lifetime and provide the charity with a significantly larger gift through their estate.
Planned gifts can be directed to a wide variety of programs and projects at Atlantic Cape Community College. The Atlantic Cape Foundation can help you determine which giving opportunity best supports your vision for the future. Your tax and legal professionals can provide you with the advice you will need to determine which method is the most suitable for your financial situation.
Ways to Include Atlantic Cape in Your Estate Planning
Making a commitment now ensures future students will reap the benefits of your generosity. You can make a deferred gift to Atlantic Cape Community College when you include specific language in your will naming the Atlantic Cape Foundation as a recipient of your planned gift. Your will can include gifts of property (cash, securities, and personal property), a percentage of your estate; or the remainder of your estate after all other bequests have been filled. Your attorney can help you plan a bequest that best suits your needs. Please visit the Bequests page for additional information about different types of bequests and how to arrange your deferred gift.
There are two ways you can give a life insurance policy to Atlantic Cape Community College. You can make the Atlantic Cape Foundation either the beneficiary or the owner of the policy. If your family responsibilities are not as substantial as they once were, then your gift of an insurance policy that is paid up or partially paid-up may be beneficial. Consult your life insurance agent for more details on the various types of insurance gifts you can make to Atlantic Cape Foundation.
Naming Atlantic Cape Foundation as a beneficiary for a portion of your retirement savings is another way to make a charitable contribution to the College. The administrator of your IRA, profit-sharing account, or other retirement plan should be able to help you with this.
For more information about gifts, planned giving opportunities and other ways to support the Atlantic Cape Foundation, please contact Jean McAlister, Chief of Staff/Chief Advancement Officer, at (609) 343-4901 or mcaliste@atlanticcape.edu, or Chris Mularz, Advancement Officer, at (609) 463-3651 or cmularz@atlanticcape.edu.